the smallest game framework
of them all.
victus is less than 2kB minified. that's a tiny fraction of anything else out there, and small enough to download in mere milliseconds, even on the slowest of connections.
make games
at the speed of thought.
stop focusing on the skeleton of your game, and start focusing on the game itself. define some objects and start requesting animation frames — that's it.
// create an object
let square = new victus.Rect(0, 0, 20, 20, "#ea323c");
// set a custom property
square.set({ foo: "bar" });
// and draw it!
short and simple.
easily extensible.
victus is careful to provide only the classes you'll definitely need — but if you need something special, you can easily access the canvas context to implement it yourself.
// outline the path of a square
victus.ctx.rect(0, 0, 20, 20);
ready to get started?
the preferred way to add victus to your project is with jsDelivr.
<script src=""></script>